Early dawn i Anhinga Trail, Everglades
D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/30, ISO 500
Since I have close family living in Miami, I`ve been around Florida & the Everglades many times before. I`ve "done" the herons, storks, anhingas, alligators etc etc...., and it`s been blogged before. As I was visiting Miami this Easer, I borrowed a car (driving around alone in Miami is scary business for a Norwegian guy !!) and went to Anhinga Trail in the Everglades. Arriving there very early while it`s still dark gives you the pleasure to see the light come and play with it a bit before it gets too harsh(which happens very quickly). I tried to do my stuff with a little different angle his time.
Anhingas are character birds in the `glades. These cormorant looking birds can be found anywhere where there is open water & fish. This is a female bird.
D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/30, ISO500
Female anhinga
D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/1000, +0,33, ISO 1600
Male anhinga-wing
D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/5000, +0,33, ISO 1600
Brown anoles originally comes from Cuba, but has spread to southern Florida and can be found in great numbers. They are small wizards and important prey for many snakes and birds, this male in full display is only approx 10 cm long.
D3s, 200-400 4,0, 400 mm with bellows, f5,6,, 1/160, +0,67, ISO 2500, monopod
Male brown anole. This tiny little creature can jump over 2 m from tree to tree.
D3s, 200-400 4,0, 350 mm with bellows, f6,3, 1/320, +0,33, ISO 1600, monopod
Green anole, native to Florida and the Gulf States. This one s also a small lizard.
D3s, 200-400 4,0, 400 mm with bellows, f6,3, 1/800, +0,33, ISI 1000, monopod
Male green anole. Check out those intelligent looking eyes !
D3s, 200-400 4,0, 330 mm with bellows, f6,3, 1/400, +0,33, ISO 1600, monopod
Double crested cormorant
D3s, 600 4,0
OK, I could not resist these green herons, mom & youngster in morning light !!
D3s, 600 4,0,
Coming up : this years capercaillies & Spanish vultures.