fredag 17. juli 2015


Barn owls / tårnugle 
D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/6,3, 1/250, ISO 200, 2 SB900 flashes

All pictures shot in Holland in early July 2015.

A warm thank you to Jos & Silvan Puijman for help, support and great company !!

Adult bird
D4s, 70-200 2,8, f/7,1, 1/250, ISO 250, 2 SB900 flashes

Adult bird
D4s, 70-200 2,8, f/7,1, 1/250, ISO 200, 2 SB900 flashes

Juvenile bird
D4s, 600 4,0, f/5,6, 1/250, ISO 250, 2 SB900 flashes

Juvenile birds
D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/6,3, 1/250, ISO 320, 2 SB900 flashes

Juvenile bird
D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/6,3, 1/250, ISO 250, 2 SB900 flashes

The European Anaconda (?) : Grass-snake (Natrix matrix / buorm) I`ve done grass-snakes many times before, …. but this is the first time ever I sat in a hide to wait for a snake ! … and it worked !!
D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/5,6, 1/320, ISO 1400

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/5,6, 1/320, ISO 1100

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/5,6, 1/320, ISO 1800

iPhone 4

Evert Puijman lives in a "fairy-tale house" in a "deep" forest somewhere in Holland. He has great knowledge about ecology and a big heart for local grass-snakes (Natrix natrix). To help to provide possible egg laying sites for the snakes in times when modern farming no longer provides such, he is building artificial "dens" for them, … . and the structure is simple : On the bottom there is a layer of dead branches to provide air and a little bit of space, and upon that : loads of dead grass to obtain the warmth to develop the eggs. The den needs to have one or to accessible entrances on ground level, and sizewise it needs to be at least 1,5 m high and 3 meters across…. and every year he builds a new one !

And it works !! Every late summer Evert Puijman sees new generations of small grass-snakes come out of the den. 

Something to copy on other places … in other countries ? … in Norway ?

mandag 6. juli 2015


D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 0,6 sec, ISO 400, 3 SB900 flashes & roadkilled crow

Lord go the Gloom, Ruler of the Dark, Prince of the Underworld !! Meet Mr. & Mrs. Dracula !!
Old myths & diabolical superstition came close as I had this rare, huge & iconic nocturnal owl at close range in western coastal Norway, July 2015

Jeg husker jeg så min første hubro, det var i 1975 (!!) … det gjorde et veldig inntrykk der den med tunge, brune vingeslag forsvant inn i tåka langs den stupbratte fjellveggen på Lovund,…  
og jeg husker det faktisk som om det var i går ! 

Siden har det ikke vært så mange hubroer i mitt liv og jeg tror jeg kan telle antall hubro-opplevelser på èn hånd. I løpet av de siste åra har vi sett endel fantastiske hubrobilder av norske fotogrfer, og jeg kommer selvsagt til kort i denne sammenhengen. Må også innrømme at jeg ikke liker blits og at jeg i tillegg ikke er den flinkeste gutten i klassen med disse teknikkene. 

Likevel legger jeg altså ut dette, antakelig fordi jeg har et eller annet meddelelsesbehov …. Kanskje noen liker dette uansett ?? 

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/5, ISO 1000

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/10, ISO 640, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/15, ISO 640, 3 SB900 flashes & roadkill black-backed gull

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/10, ISO 640, 2 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 0,3 sec, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/4, ISO 400, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/15, ISO 640

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/10, ISO 640, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 0,6 sec, ISO 320, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/10, ISO 640

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 0,6 sec, ISO 500, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 0,3 sec, ISO 640, 3 SB900 flashes

Dracula tries to swallow the head of the crow
D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 1/8, ISO 500, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 0,3 sec, ISO 500, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 0,3 sec, ISO 320, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 03 sec, ISO 320, 3 SB900 flashes

D4s, 200-400 4,0, f/4,0, 0,5 sec, ISO ISO 640, 3 SB900 flashes