Adult white-tailed eagle take off
D5, 600 4,0, f/5,0, 1/2500, ISO 2500
The idea was to shoot White-tailed Eagles (havørn) in a totally white situation ... with no foreground, no background, no vegetation, no horizon .... as "whiteout" like in a studio. I went to Lake Lokka in northern tip of Finland in early April with deep winter still in charge .... and spent 5 days in a hide on the ice of the lake. Eagles are wild and shy birds, ... and not always cooperating, and the right light is of course essential. Hope you like my April eagles.
Thanks to Eero Kemilä and Markus Varesvuo.
Ravens are struck with panic as the eagle swipes into the stage
D5, 600 4,0, f/5,6, 1/2500, IO 2800
With wingspan up to 2,5 m the White-tailed Eagle is an impressive sight !
D5, 600 4.0, 5,6, 1/2500, ISO 2800
D5, 600 4,0 + 1,4 conv. = 850 mm, f/8,0, 1/3200, ISO 1250
The white snow on the ground reflects the natural sunlight to the birds lower side like a FLASH !!
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/2500, ISO 720
D5, 600 4,0, F76,3, 1/2500, ISO 640
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/3200, ISO 1100
D5, 600 4,0, f/8,0, 1/3200, ISO 1250
I`ve seen multiple shots like this over water in Norway, .... but not over snow like this !!
Eagles with blue rings are Russian birds.
D5, 600 4,0 + 1,4 conv. = 850 mm, f/8,0, 1/3200, ISO 1600
D5, 600 4,0, f/8,0, 1/3200, ISO 2000
D5, 600 4,0 + 1,4 conv. = 850 mm, f/8,0, f/3200, ISO 1800
D5, 600 4,0, f/5,0, 1/2500, ISO 2500
White tailed eagle couple in greeting (mating) display
D5, 600 4,0, f/5,6, 1/2500, ISO 360
D5, 600 4,0, f/5,6, 1/2000, ISO 1250
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/2500, ISO 2200
D5, 600 4,0, f/5,0, 1/2500, ISO 2200
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/2500, ISO 400
Ravens dancing waltz
D5, 600 4,0, f/5,6, 1/3200, ISO 2000
Raven dancing river dance
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, /2500, ISO 2500