Ptarmigan (fjellrype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/4000, ISO 560
I spent a week in the high alpine region of Utsjoki northern tip of Finland in early March. The ambition was to shoot ptarmigans and willow grouse under deep winterly conditions. Neither words nor pictures can explain the extreme beauty of the harsh arctic winter up there. I have some pictures in my head (!!) that I will never be deleted !
Anyway : I hope you like my digital stuff :-) You can click the pictures to see them bigger !!
A warm thank you to Jame Helander & Marcus Varesvuo.
Ptarmigan (fjellrype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/2000, ISO 800
Ptarmigan (fjellrype) coming in a fast flight
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/4000, ISO 640
Ptarmigan take off
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/4000, ISO 500
Ptarmigan (fjellrype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/4000, ISO 500
Ptarmingan (fjellrype) in heavy wind
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/2000, ISO 180
Ptarmigan (fjellrype) portrait
D5, 600 4,0, 2x converter = 1200 mm, f/10,0, 1/2000, ISO 720
Ptarmigan (fjellrype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/4000, ISO 450
Ptarmigan (fjellrype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/4000, ISO 280
Ptarmigan (fjellrype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/4000, ISO 720
Willow grouse (lirype) in snow cave
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/1600, ISO 2000
Willow grouse (lirype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/1600, ISO 2200
Willow grouse (lirype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/4,5, 1/1600, ISO 1600
Willow grouse (lirype) coming out of snow cave
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/2500, ISO 1000
Willow grouse (lirype) walking
D5, 600 ,0, f/6,3, 1/2500, ISO 1400
Willow grouse (lirype) towards the backdrop of heavy, dark clouds
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/2500, ISO 250
Willow grouse (lirype)
D5, 600 4,0, f/5,6, 1/5000, ISO 2500
Willow grouse (lirype). White flights in white surroundings with soft light is pretty difficult stuff for the autofocus. The D5 with the new 600 does an incredible job !!
D5, 600 4,0, f/6,3, 1/2000, ISO 1600
Ptarmigan (fjellrype) .... slightly overexposed
D5, 600 4,0, + 2 x converter = 1200 mm, f/10,0, 1/2000, ISO 720
Looks like Sahara, but it`s not. It is my friend M shooting ptarmigans in the arctic sunset with 15 degrees cold and a very heavy wind
D5, 70-200 2,8, f/5,6, 1/320, ISO 100
Beautiful photo's Tom. Thank you for sharing.
SvarSlettFantastiske bilder av de krittkvite rypene! Kan ikke huske at jeg har sett flottere bilder av fjellrypa, virkelig godt jobbet! :-)
SvarSlettFirst of all, I will say thank you for such a wonderful article.