tirsdag 6. september 2011


D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/800, +0,33, ISO 2000

"Jaws, teeth, claws, splashing white water, fish in the air, pumping red blood spray".... 
these were my ambitious and vivid visions for this year`s visit to Lake Clark NP Alaska, and my major focus here was simply : Shooting grizzlies fishing salmon. I was there 2 years ago as well, doing exactly the same thing, and had (at least in my own eyes) great results with that grizzly/salmon interaction in the mouth of Silver Salmon Creek at the east coast of the Alaska Peninsula. This time we thought to have timed our visit perfectly with the peak of Silver salmon-"migration" up the river, and accordingly : expectations were high. 

However : You never know with nature .... and this year`s rush of Silver salmon was of course ........."all times late" !! There was practically no bear/salmon interaction in SSC at all.   

However, there was a lot of bears around, and we had some great (and very close !) experiences with them. Grizzlies are basicly peaceful animals, but there are some simple rules to be followed, like : 
1) Don`t surprise them, 2) Be careful with females with small cubs, and 3) Don`t approach males with larger prey. I `m usually pretty cool with bears, but being 2,5 m away from female with cubs without even pepperspray available was ..... adrenalin !!

To find some bear-salmon action our professional hosts and guides David & Rick took us on boat along the coast down to the mouth of Shelter Creek, which is a small creek with very shallow waters and a certain concentration of Chum Salmon. The action in the river is closely connected to low / lower tide and with a certain amount of patience and careful approach ... we had some splashing chases up and down the river.

Thanks to Bent Olsen for great preparations and thanks to all my photographer mates for great company !

In this blog I show some bear photos from Silver Salmon Creek and Shelter Creek. Later we went to Denali and Kenai. Awesome !! I even took some landscape pictures !!! (yes, it`s true !). 
Coming up soon, stay tuned !!


The bears has spotted a fish in my direction and is coming in splashing leaps right towards me
D3s, 600 4,0, f 4,0, 1/1600, +0,67, ISO 2000

The salmon escaped
600 4,0, f4,0, 1/1000, +0,33, ISO 2000

At low tide the bears go clamming,- digging for clams in the wet sand- and mudbanks.
D3s, 600 4,0, f5,6, 1/1600, +0,33, ISO800

Clamming bear at low tide
D3s, 600 4,0, f5,6, 1/2500, -0,33, ISO 500

Waiting for the salmon ..... that didn`t show up
D3s, 200-400 4,0, 400, f6,3, 1/320, +0,33, ISO 800

Grazing female. In average 70 of a grizzly`s menu is grass and plantfood. 
D3s, 600 4,0, f6,3, 1/400, ISO 800

Small cub suckling
D3s, 200-400 4,0, 400, f6,3, 1/1600, ISO 800 

Grizzly cub
D3s, 200-400 4,0, 400, f6,3, 1/500, +0,33, ISO 800

Half grown grizzly cub looking for mama
D3s, 600 4,0, f5,6, 1/800, +0,33, ISO 800


The splash of the escaping salmon can be seen to the left
D3s, 600 4,0, f5,6, 1/400, ISO 1000

A focused moment
D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/640, ISO 2000

The salmon escaped.... again
D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/500, ISO 2000

D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/640, ISO 2000

D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/800, ISO 2000

The repeated splashes from the escaping salmon`s tail can be seen to the right
D3s, 600 4,0, f4,0, 1/800, ISO 2000

Chum Salmon
D3s, 600 4,0, f5,6, 1/1600, +0,33, ISO 800

Chum Salmon
D3s, 600 4,0, f5,6, 1/ 4000, ISO 1000

12 kommentarer:

  1. Hei Tom. Grattis med knallbilder av bjørn :)Ser fram til å treffes i Finland

  2. Liker alle bildene, absolutt en fryd å studere disse store bamsene i et fuktig miljø.

  3. Wow, det där var inte dåligt Tom ! Gratulerar till dessa fina bilder och till ett fantastsikt äventyr !

  4. Topp serie av grizzlybjørn! Liker alle bildene men åpningsbildet i svarthvitt er intet mindre enn en perle :-)

    Mvh Rune Olsen

  5. Nydelig, Tom! Men det første i svart/hvitt er absolutt min favoritt også!

    Arnfinn Johansen

  6. OiOi..her var det mange gullkorn Tom..
    Synes Alle bildene er en fryd for øyet her i denne flotte bildeserien..
    Litt av en tur og opplevelse du hadde her..
    Ha en fortsatt god høst..

    Ole Arne

  7. Hei Tom

    Her var det mye bra bjørnebilder, men det øverste i svart/hvitt er helt rått!

    MVH Henrik

  8. Enestående naturbildet som vanlig! Takk for titten.

    Knut Børge

  9. Strålende! Og forfriskende med litt avveksling fra finske bjørner. Spesiellt det første oser villmark. Og så ser jeg fram til landskapsbildene ;-)
    Hilsen Øystein Søbye
    PS. Du må endre linken til bloggen min; jeg har flyttet til norsknatur.wordpress.com

  10. Fy flate, Tom!! For en utrolig jækla god tur dere må ha hatt!! -Ikke for det, jeg hadde det temmelig bra også, men kunne gjerne tenkt meg mer kontakt med disse bamsene. Det får bli neste gang :)

    Bildene dine er jo helt suverene!! Det første traff meg momentant, og nedover rekka ble det jaggu ikke værre... Synes nr 5 er fin. De ser så gode ut... Ser fram til fortsettelsen!

    Hilsen Ingebjørg


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